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(1 edit) (+1)

The game is very pretty, the game-play is very interesting and very cool, I really like the game, one thing could make it better, slow down the boss a little bit, Keep the hard work !!



The game is absolutely stunning! Had a blast playing it and wanting to see a full version, am hoping for one =) took me longer than I'd like to admit to figure out there was a destroyable wall with a key haha. Lost to the boss but plan on beating him off camera, woulda on recording but have a long trip today xD keep it up and left a follow!!!!

Loved the art style and the little touches like the tent animation. The combat and ability's need a touch up and White Widow needs their speed brought down juuuuust a smidge but overall a very good homage to Hollow Knight and would love to see what you come up with next.

Thanks! I am working on new feature!

Thanks for the game-play , the boss is really hard to beat !

its good but small issue it  is hollow knight in every way but worse

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Thanks for comment! I konw it's bad to make a worse version of hollow knight! I am still working on build my art style. Could you please tell me what part in demo gives you strongest hollow knight feeling ?  And do you have the same feeling about two enemy in demo? Do you like the tent?


mostly the combat

This is really cool! I can see the inspiration from hollow knight and the art style is really nice! The only gripe I have would be the same as everyone which is the boss. It's kind of hard to find an opening or when to strike without losing health. However since this has been addressed before, I just want to say keep up with the development! Can't wait to see new things in a future demo!



really good looking game and I really liked the gameplay as well ! Really good work ! Cheers


well , made it to the boss but he isway too fast and such.
cant even get in one hit before I get killed :-(

Try to hit her when she land and dash to you. Don't try to hit her when she dash up! I'm going to remake white widow because she is something I created a long time ago and she is indeed too fast :-)

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Also, you can become a light fairy to abvoid damage, but it needs timing.

didnt really understand what the whole white/black fairy thing was or did.
sure it did a short animation if i held A or D keys.
but no idea what I got from that or how it was related to the black white ying yang symbol in the top left

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My fault, I should add ui to explain it. I am so familiar with the system myself that I forgot others are not. I have already started to improve it! :)


Hi, I have updated the demo, and added ui to explain what is black/white soul. Hope it can make things clearer! And the boss white widow is still in progress.


Hello Softme, my name is Bruno, I make indie game gameplays on YouTube, here in Brazil, I want to congratulate you for the great project, the game has a lot of potential.

Gameplay Link:


The creature is so cute. Wait for new updates!

Deleted 1 year ago


Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you!

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits) (+1)

You mean Let's play videos on youtube or other social media?

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago